It can be easy to let waste or rubbish take over your work life. However, time-wasting activities significantly cause lost productivity in the workplace, costing businesses over £650 billion per year. This is why waste removal in Glasgow is so significant for Scottish companies to save money and create a more productive work environment.
Limiting your waste at work will save you and the environment a lot of capital in the long run. So check out the tips below to start reducing your waste now!
Reducing Paper Waste
Paper is one of the most commonly thrown-away waste products in offices. Unfortunately, it takes up a lot of space and generates greenhouse gases.
However, there are ways to limit this waste and positively impact the environment. Start by determining how much paper employees use daily to reduce your office’s paper consumption.
Another essential part of limiting paper waste is to educate and encourage employees to think before they print. Create goals for employees and display them in a high-traffic area using easy-to-understand graphs and fun charts.
Ask your purchasing department to buy certified post-consumer recycled paper or Forest Stewardship Council. This will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve landfill space for other types of trash.
Reducing Cardboard Waste
Fortunately, there are numerous ways to go green in the office. From implementing a waste management program that encourages employees to be responsible for their trash and recyclables to utilising a green cleaning service to reduce the number of chemicals used in the office, you’re well on your way to a healthier environment and happier employees. The best part is that reducing your office’s waste output will save you money in the long run! The best place to start is by looking at your budget first. This will help you prioritise the most critical projects and ensure all your waste octet is used.
Reducing Food Waste
Food waste is a severe environmental problem and a massive contributor to climate change. As food decomposes in landfills, it releases harmful greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
The good news is that we can do something about this issue. Businesses can lead the way by changing their office practices, and employees can help by reducing food waste at home and in the workplace.
Start by identifying a champion to spearhead the initiative. This person can organise activities, such as Food Waste Week.
Educate staff on reducing their waste at work and encourage them to keep a food waste log. This will show them where they’re wasting food and how much they can save.
In addition, if your restaurant is catering events, communicate with caterers to ensure they use portion sizes appropriate for your business and make plans for redistributing leftovers. This is a great way to minimise food waste while building community through shared meals.

Lynn covers artistic collaborations, curating stories that celebrate craftsmanship and design innovation.